Utah Digital Teaching and Learning Grant Program And Flash Learning, AKA The Greaves Group, LLC
The Greaves Group is offering to work with selected school districts who are applying for the Utah Digital Teaching and Learning Grants.
Our company is focused solely on doubling the rate of learning on a per student basis.
To double the rate of learning, our fundamental design principle is second order change. This is essentially a full re-engineering of what goes on in a school system. Our Project RED research is foundational.
The Elevator Pitch:
The only way to reliably double the rate of student learning at scale is to employ full, student centered personalization.
This can only be accomplished economically through the judicious and effective use of ubiquitous technology.
Doing this reliably at scale requires:
A laser-like focus on the student
Very extensive “Distributed Leadership” training
Powerful Change Management practices involving every stakeholder, and using proprietary technology to effectively drive the process.
A unique professional development process that empowers the teachers, who are central to the process
The most comprehensive project management and project planning in the business with the most detailed and powerful Gantt charts.
A unique solution that delivers implementation fidelity measurement and management
A proprietary, patent pending approach to delivering highly personalized experiences to the student that is the heart of the system.
Working closely with our school partners, we fill the gap between where they are and where they need to be. Through shoulder-to-shoulder mentoring and skills transfer, we get the job done, and work ourselves out of a job.
Specifically for Utah, we provide:
Grant Application assistance. We advise on the whole process, and we will write the hard parts if you wish.
When you win the grant, we work with you to build the detailed plan.
Once the plan is approved, we can fill the gaps in your organization, and mentor the staff that is involved. We can be the program manager, provide project managers, do leadership training, do or build the professional development training, assist in the procurement process, or anything else that is required.
Who are we?:
Our core team has been implementing all facets of educational technology for decades.
Tom Greaves began in this field at IBM in 1967.
George Warren has held some of the highest education positions at some of the largest ed tech firms in the world.
Barbara Allen was the Chief Academic and Technology Officer for San Diego Unified where over 160,000 students experienced a successful Digital Conversion.
Dr. Rich Thome, a former superintendent and founder of the University of San Diego Mobile Technology Learning Center has taught, trained and consulted with more superintendents and school boards than anyone else we know.
And an on-demand highly experienced army of professionals is standing by as needed.
What brought us together?:
A common desire to cause a breakthrough in learning, producing dramatic improvements in student achievement. Our kids deserve no less.
Who do we work with?:
We only want to work with LEAs that:
Share a common vision
That have leadership with a track record of success
That enjoy the strong support of their stakeholders, including the school board
That believe in sustainability and know how to achieve it
How do we get started?:
Contact George Warren at 618-833-5171
Tom Greaves at 858-373-7654